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Pokémon Card  - Crawdaunt EX 110 HP Splash Back
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Crawdaunt EX 110 HP - Pokémon Splash Back Card English Version, Issue 99

Reference -AF00000327
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37.00€ Excluding VAT

The Pokémon card "Crawdaunt EX 110 HP Splash Back, English Version, Number 99" is a real treasure trove for collectors and lovers of Pokémon trading cards.

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Crawdaunt EX 110 HP - Pokémon Card


Crawdaunt EX, 110 HP - Pokémon Card, English Version, Number 99 - TheRedshop

This special card features Crawdaunt, a Water-type Pokémon, in its EX form with a power of 110 HP.

This card is a special edition in English, adding extra value to this collector's item. It features detailed artwork of Crawdaunt using his signature attack, Splash Back. Collectors will appreciate the vibrant colors and details of this captivating illustration. With a power of 110 HP, Crawdaunt EX is a formidable opponent on the Pokémon battlefield. This special card perfectly represents the strength and skills of this Pokémon, making it a valuable addition to any collection. The board "Crawdaunt EX 110 HP Splash Back, English Version, Number 99" is made with high quality materials, guaranteeing its durability and prestigious appearance. It is in excellent condition, making it an ideal piece for Pokémon collectors and fans. Splash Back. Once during your turn (before your attack), if your opponent has 4 or more Pokémon on the bench, you can choose 1 and return that Pokémon and all the cards attached to it in their hand. This power cannot be used if Crawdaunt ex is affected by a special condition. 

When Pokémon-ex has been knocked out, your opponent takes 2 prize cards.
NUMBER 99 Power Stroke 500
Is 20 damages times the amount of energy attached to Crawdaunt ex. 



Card Type: Pokémon - Water Member of Parliament|

Condition: Near mint

Article EX HP-EN-99
Edition: EX Holon Phantoms
Map: Pokémon - Water
Rarity: EX
Language: English

Number: 99/110
Country/region of manufacture:
United States.

Whether you are an avid collector or a Pokémon player looking for a special card, the "Crawdaunt EX 110 HP Splash Back, English Version, Number 99" card is an exceptional choice. Add this rare card to your collection or use it during your Pokémon battles to display the power of Crawdaunt.

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Crawdaunt EX 110 HP - Pokémon Card

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